
Thursday, January 7, 2010

My daughter

She's a trip.  She has such a personality.  She is three years old and it has been amazing watching her go from a toddler to a preschooler.  I tell Troy that we have a genuis on our hands, she is so smart!

Yesterday, I let her go play in the snow...alone.  Well, not really alone, I sent her into the front yard, opened the window and talked to her the whole time.  I wish I felt well enough to play with her :-(

Can I just say again, I love my new camera!  (yes, these pictures were taken through a screen, lol!)

Today was her second day of preschool this week, she goes Tuesdays and Thursdays.  I went to pick her up and she wasn't at the door with the other children.  Her teacher said she had just started acting weird, saying she was cold.  Last time she said that, she threw up.  So, I rushed her into the car and crawled home through the snow.  Really, I wasn't getting the vomit vibe from her, so I didn't worry too much.  I set her up watching tv with a bucket when I got home.  Then, she started complaining that her head hurt and she was sleepy.  What strange symptoms.  She watched tv for about 2 hours, (a rarity for me), then went off to bed.  I woke her up for dinner and her head still hurt.  I gave her tylenol and put her in front of the tv again.  I believe she had a migraine.  Her daddy gets complex migrains that manifest as a stroke, so it doesn't surprise me.

So, now, after a dose of tylenol, a quick trip to the store by daddy to get motrin and a dose of that, she's as good as new.

Her canine companion.  It's amazing how dogs can tell when something's wrong.  Ours just sit by the sickie, giving off stinky get-well vibes.


  1. Awww, cute cute pictures! Love the doggie, too. :) My hubby gets migraines, I can't imagine how it would be for a little to get one. :/

  2. The pictures look awesome! Poor Cam, I hope she never gets another migraine! Can't believe she's in preschool already, wow!

  3. The poor thing! I can't imagine a little one getting migraines. So glad she's doing better!!
