
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Saying "Good-Bye"

This is a time in our lives when we're saying good-bye.  The main good-bye is to Troy's family.  We currently live about 7 minutes from his brother and parents, (yes, they live together).  But, we're moving next month and they aren't.  This will be the first time in 11 years that we haven't lived within about 10 minutes of his parents.  Maybe they'll move near us?

We also said good-bye to our land on Friday.  We bought 10 acres this summer, and began working with a builder for a small cape cod on it.  We were very fortunate that the farmer who was renting it from us wanted to buy it when we offered it to him.  But, there went our dreams of homesteading - for now, at least.

And, earlier in the week, Troy sold his birthday present, since it's not easy to move something that big 600 miles.

And, I have all these seeds and nowhere to plant them...

All of these things are hard to give up, but we have some exciting things to look forward to.  We're going to volunteer at my sister's church.  We hope to be able to fill some needs they have.  We're moving near my family, something Troy's never experienced.  Scary?  And, Troy's working on building his business.  Hopefully, he can gain some new clients which will give us the freedom to stay at a small church and help it reach people and grow.

Oh, and we're moving to a resort town.  That can't be all bad, huh?


  1. I bet your new landlord will let you plant a garden. You have lots of sunlight at your new place.

    And C wants to help you pull weeds and pick cherry tomatoes this summer!

  2. Aw, that would be so hard, but it sounds like you have a lot of exiting things in store! I bet you can get a raised bed garden in, and those chickens will be a fun addition. I didn't get the ones I wanted on ebay, but I ended up finding some others on there that worked out much better. There's a post scheduled about that for tomorrow. ;) We put 3 dozen in the incubator tonight, so we'll see in about 21 days!
